Our Heroes

I work as a Community Nursing Sister, caring for people with life limiting conditions and provide support to their families and networks in the Southern False Bay area of Cape Town. The area extends from Noordhoek in the north to Cape Point in the south.

I joined St Luke’s Combined Hospices in March 2020 after decades as a Private Banker. I am the Coordinator: Corporate Affairs. The reason for me choosing to work at SLCH is to use my skillset in an environment where I can make a difference to those in need.
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The people I help are from diverse socio-economic backgrounds ranging from refugees or asylum seekers and the disenfranchised facing extreme poverty and food insecurity to the wealthy. I enjoy this diversity and being able to provide quality care and compassion to all. I have learnt a lot about different cultures and religions and the wisdom of all the different belief systems by being humble and respectful. I have been able to balance my scientific nursing knowledge with spiritual and emotional care to aid in alleviating suffering and to help provide hope and support where there is a need for holistic and impeccable care.
One of the loveliest memories I have in the 2 plus years I’ve worked for St Luke’s was a beachcouting I organized with some of our volunteers. We took a group of day care patients and their children to Secret Beach for a picnic. We had fish and chips and got ice-creams afterwards. Wectook lovely photos for their families to treasure long after they have passed. The joy of those smilescmakes my job very worthwhile.
I love my job and think that the community sees St Luke’s as a beacon of light at a crucial time in their lives!
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My role is to procure funding for the organization, hence I play an important part in ensuring the financial viability of the organization and future sustainability of our projects within the community.
The SLCH team makes my role so much easier, everyone helps me to achieve the common goal. I am in awe of the way the team works together even under the toughest conditions such as Covid-19 and lockdown. Whilst we work hard, we also share in fun times. Dancing the Jerusalema with the team was an amazing experience.
I am proud to be part of an organization so dedicated and committed to the community we serve.